Saturday, August 10, 2013

Chip On The Shoulder

      Chip On The Shoulder

Victims of workplace discrimination are a venting source for people who were raised by family ideals different than those of the victims (Corbin & Duvall, 2013).  Often, the people performing the act of discrimination do not consider the event as discrimination.   The strong family value bond is severe for many that it becomes necessary to evoke family principles on outside cultures.  Subtle discrimination to actual discrimination is punishable by law; however, most people do not know how keep discriminating views from the workplace due to the inherent family belief system that flows over into conversation.

The actions represent a handicap for organizations since the liability of lawsuits, high turnover, or violence causes added cost to organizations.  Organizations can benefit in adding a verbal questionnaire to job candidates to filter individuals that may cause a liability to the organization.  The design of the questionnaire should focus in temperament and discriminant possible actions of the applicant. 

As the world’s population blends with diversity, organizations should take preemptive actions to protect the organization’s reputation and assets to increase the return of investment.  The missed opportunity for organizations is when organizational cultures are set with discriminatory atmosphere.  The change in organizational culture to represent a non-bias and non-discriminatory atmosphere is essential to support long-term community support.


Corbin, P. R., & Duvall, J. E. (2013, Summer). Employment discrimination. Mercer Law Review, 64(4), 891-908. 

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