Sunday, September 8, 2013

The Theory of Interest

The problems with the workplace are the inadequate controls in employment practices and diversity in the workplace.  Even with an adequate education, different social groups experience discrimination and racism in the workplace.  Communities have preset ideas about differences that spill over into the workplace maintaining a high level of turnover, wage differences, and unemployment.

The control of human behavior with the assistance of psychology ascertains developing the human kind (Watson, 1913).  The mental state of a member is subject to manipulation by filtering out emotional stressors that represent negative introspection.  Associate memory that represents a challenge to subjects can change.  We have to make a determination if introspection of a participant represents a physiological disorder.  Race differentiation in men marks the inherent differences of the descent of men.

Motivated behavior leads the theory of instinct theory.  The trait approach arrives from the instinct theory stating that motivation is a personal characteristic (Weiner, 2013).  According to personality traits, achievement striving varies by strength of consciousness to the desire of dominance. 

John Watson, a psychologist and the founder of behaviorism and understanding of human conditioning believed that all behavior channels through the mind through a learning process.  In addition, he considered that humans do not have instinct behavior.  Lastly, John Watson stipulated that community’s task is to predict and control irrational patterns of human behavior.

Many online consumers when shopping choose items in the internet and leave the website without making a purchase (Fagerstrøm & Arntzen, 2013).  A study about consumer behavior is necessary to understand the reason consumer exit the website prematurely.  Conflicting human behavior controls the outcome of the consumer purchase.  When the conflicting human behavior represents an escape, the consumer exits the online environment without commitment to purchase.  A motivating operation allows the prediction of consumer purchasing commitment by analyzing correlated variables such as establish and evoke parameters.  

Engaging and consultative communication processes are a choice psychologist use to interrogate suspects (Cotton, 2013).  The legal framework of ethics is a consideration for the American Psychological Association to the stage of interrogation.  International standards of ethics outweigh the fundamental principles of human rights when subjects enact actions that represent sadism.
John Watson offers an alternative to factors of inadequate human behavior by focusing the control of incorrect signals.  Instinct theory can capture and block inadequate human behavior in the workplace.  The learned behavior isolates to free ethical and accepted community conduct.  Negative conduct is an escape mechanism that blocks productivity.  Consultative psychological services are an invite from the effects of reduce productivity.


Cotton, M.-A. (2013, Spring). Poisonous pedagogy: The contentious drift of Psychology. The Journal of Psychohistory, 40(4), 234-261. Retrieved from 
Fagerstrøm, A., & Arntzen, E. (2013, Spring). On motivating operations at the point of online purchase setting. Psychological Record, 63(2), 333-344. doi: 10.11133/j.tpr.2013.63.2.008
Watson, J. B. (1913). Psychology as the behaviorist views it. Psychological Review, 20(2), 158-177. doi: 10.1037/h0074428
Weiner, B. (2013, August). Little-known truths, quirky anecdotes, seething scandals, and even some science in the history of (primarily achievement) motivation. Personality and Social Psychology Review, 17(3), 293–304. doi: 10.1177/1088868313484587

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